WHALE SOCKS: These blue socks feature vibrant prints of lively whales and sprays, making them a stylish addition to any outfit. Say it with socks - "JUST A GIRL WHO LOVES WHALES."
WHALE GIFTS: These novelty orca socks could be the best gifts for your family or friends who love whales or animals.
OCEAN GIFTS: Our cute jaws socks are made of 80% cotton, 15% polyamide and 5% elastane to ensure that they are soft, comfortable, stretchy and breathable.
WHALE LOVER GIFTS: Our womens ocean socks are designed to fit shoe sizes 6-12 and sock sizes 8-13.
ANIMAL LOVER GIFTS: These socks make the perfect gift for your loved ones on holidays such as Mother's Day, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, birthdays, Christmas, and more.